Kyoto Brewing Co.
白髪の双子 (Platinum Twins)
Everyone has probably heard at one time or another that long ago, beer and wine were safer to drink than water and were thus consumed in its place. These “table beers” were meant to be thirst quenching beverages with a bit of spritz to get you through long days of hard labour while at the same time flavourful enough to be placed on the dinner table to accompany large meals. While the definition has shifted over time, these beers are finding newfound appreciation for some of the very same reasons they did so long ago: refreshing, flavourful, and low ABV go great alongside a long night out with friends!
This table style Saison is unique in that it combines our house yeast, Belgian Ardennes, with the yeast we use for the Shunkashuto (Four Season Seasonal Saison) Series, Belle Saison. Both are great yeasts and have their own characteristic flavour and aroma, so we thought it would be fun to see what would happen if we put them to work together to create the same beer. The end result is a light, easy drinking Saison with just enough malt and hop character to be interesting. Each yeast plays a strong part in the beer, but neither one dominates, so you can truly taste the best parts of each.
Naming: Those with good memories and who have followed Kyoto Brewing from our infancy may remember a beer we released called “Kinpatsu no Futago”, or literally “Blonde Twins”. The concept for the name was that, for the first time, we were using two different yeast varieties in the same beer in order to make a blonde ale that retained some of the character of each strain. This is our second attempt at using two strains in the same beer but this time using our house yeast and a saison strain. This beer has a light hue with a white, frothy head from the carbonation and so we decided that this pair of twins was more platinum than blonde! While the siblings may look similar, these two have strikingly different characters once you get to know them, but we have decided that they complement each other rather nicely.
Style: Table Saison
- Malt Bill:
- Pilsner, Golden Promise, Oat
- Hops:
- Bittering: Merkur
- Flavour/Aroma: Motueka, Wakatu
Yeast: Belgian Ardennes, Belle Saison
ABV: 4.0%
IBU: 17
Gas Volumes: 2.6