Kyoto Brewing Co.
木漏れ日 (Komorebi)
1 bar limited to 1x kegs max
While beers that are both full flavour and high ABV are what keep us warm here at the brewery throughout the cold Kyoto Winter, there comes a point in the season when slight changes in the weather give us hope that we can finally start to thaw out. This desire has been captured well by our latest release, a Session Pale Ale. Despite just 4.5% ABV, the beer has a full enough flavour to enjoy on chilly days but finishes with a refreshing breath of hop flavour and character that begs another sip. The hops also lend a hint of seasonality in themselves, with Australian hop Summer providing a melon and apricot-like fruitiness and US-variety Equinox contributing a more tropical and citrusy character. Essential to tying this together was the yeast, Northwest Ale, a favourite of the brew team for its unique fruit and grape characteristics.
Naming: While the freezing outside temperatures seem to have lasted for an eternity, and it doesn’t feel as though the frost may be thawing, some comfort can at least be taken in the lengthening of days and the knowledge that slightly milder weather must reach us soon. While the hop names “Equinox" and “Summer" in this beer may seem as though they are looking a little far ahead, the first is on the horizon and the second will inevitably follow.
“Komorebi” is a name that describes rays of sunlight filtering through the trees that, in cooler seasons, bring a sense of comfort and warmth. While we might not be basking in the sun yet, we can at least see some of it peering through. This crisp, summery and fruity session Pale Ale represents our anticipation of more clement times!
Style: Session Pale Ale
- Malt Bill:
- Pilsner, Carapils
- Hops:
- Bittering: Merkur
- Flavour/Aroma: Summer, Equinox
Yeast: US Northwest Ale
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 22
Gas Volumes: 2.4