Kyoto Brewing Co.
酸周年 (Sanshunen)
It is hard to believe, but Kyoto Brewing Co. has just completed three years since brewing and releasing our first beer, and this year we have decided to steer this year’s anniversary beer in a slightly different direction both in concept and naming than in the past. One of the great new tools we added to our brewing repertoire late last year was the kettle souring method, and as we became more familiar with it something about its unique flavour spoke to us to suggest it would go well with a huge load of fruity, citrusy, and melon-like hops.
A style that is as of yet uncommon in Japan, this sour IPA combines the refreshing acidity of a kettle sour with the hop flavour and aroma of Mosaic, Citra, and Callista hops. The balance of bitter and sour is a hard one to achieve, but we feel that we have done so to great effect in this beer, allowing the bright acidity to play on and enhance the sharp citrusy flavour of these unique hops. It is certainly a sharp departure from the trend of anniversary beers or anything else we have brewed to date, and we see it as both a challenge to ourselves and our customers.
It is with much thanks for your constant support that we look forward to sharing this beer with you as we begin our journey into our fourth year of existence!
Naming: It’s our third anniversary! To do something special, we brewed a style completely new to us...a sour IPA. With 'san' meaning both three and acidic and 'shunen' being anniversary, the choice seemed only logical.
Style: Sour IPA
- Malt Bill:
- Pilsner, Vienna, Oat
- Hops:
- Bittering: Columbus
- Flavour/Aroma: Mosaic, Citra, Callista
Yeast: US ale
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: 30
Gas Volumes: 2.5